It’s almost impossible to find someone who doesn’t have a smartphone. Most younger generations carry these devices everywhere they go, making them an integral part of our society. However, just because numerous individuals carry a smartphone doesn’t mean they are all the same. Who are the top smartphone manufacturers in 2023? While there are plenty of manufacturers worldwide, here is our list of the top brands for US users.
You might have heard of Lenovo because of their laptops, but did you know they make mobile devices too? The company was incorporated in Hong Kong and operates in 60 countries, including a global headquarters in North Carolina. With many types of smartphones at affordable prices, this company has gained popularity in recent years.
Motorola brought the United States their first commercial portable phone; yes, we’re talking about those classic flip phones! Established in the United States, the company took its original cellular device to new heights by integrating smartphones. Using Android operating systems, Motorola provides a great alternative to users who can’t budget for larger smartphone manufacturers.
LG is a brand you can find throughout your home. LG has innovative technology for every aspect of your life, from TVs to washing machines. However, LG smartphones have great specs and capabilities that compete well with other manufacturers. So even if you don’t purchase from industry-leading manufacturers like Apple, you still gain a spectacular smart device.
This wouldn’t be a list of top smartphone manufacturers in 2023 without including Samsung. This tech giant has been providing technology since 1969. With a wide range of affordable to high-end smartphones, you can easily find a device suitable for your needs. These smartphones are user-friendly, innovative, and one of the brands you see smartphone users using the most.
Did you think we forgot about Apple? Unlike Android’s operating system, which many brands use, Apple has its own unique iOS only available on iPhones. As one of the world’s most lucrative companies, these smartphones pack a punch with their many features and capabilities. With its ever-changing specs, Apple is here to stay for the long run in the smartphone industry.
Which of these top smartphone manufacturers do you purchase your device from? If you’re looking for a new smart device, consider
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