5 Tips for Keeping Android Phone Apps Organized

5 Tips for Keeping Android Phone Apps Organized

When you click on the Google Play store, your options for phone apps are endless. There’s an app for tracking health, talking with friends, investing money, and much more. There are so many apps that your phone is likely cluttered with them.

Keeping your Android phone apps organized can help you use your phone in a functional manner; plus, you won’t lose anything or forget where you put things on your phone. Consider using the following advice to organize your phone.

Delete Unwanted and Unused Apps

Organizing can be difficult when you have multiple apps that you no longer use. The more apps you download and forget about, the more disorganized everything will become. For instance, you might need the Southwest Airlines app to check in for your flight, but if you’re not planning on using the app again for several months, what’s the point of keeping it? Delete any unwanted and unused apps before organizing anything.

Manually Rearrange Your Apps

Before we get into the more technical ways to organize your used Samsung phone or new smartphone, you can always manually rearrange your apps on the home page. Plus, you can have several pages so that each page can house different types of apps. To move an app, touch and hold on to the icon and move it to its new location. This is a quick way to organize when you don’t have time for the advice below.

Separate Apps in Folders

When you have a lot of apps on your phone, manually rearranging them on several home screens can still become cluttered. Separating your apps into folders is the best way to clean this up. For example, you might create a “social media” folder and drop all your apps, like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc., into it. This minimizes the number of icons on your homepage.

Create App Shortcuts

A fun way to keep your phone apps organized on an Android is through shortcuts. This makes performing tasks within a specific app much easier and quicker. An app shortcut is a particular action that users can click on to start a common function within that app. For example, you can create shortcuts for your messages app. Set a shortcut to directly message your significant other without opening the app, finding their name, and typing out your message.

Apply Widgets

Lastly, you can also organize apps through widgets. Essentially, widgets provide a mini version of the app anywhere on your homepage. This works for apps you check on often but don’t necessarily use. Typically, Android users use widgets for their weather, stock market monitoring, calendars, etc.

As you can see, there are several ways to organize the apps on your phone. Combine a few of the above examples to personalize the homepage on your Android. Consider a weather widget, email shortcuts, and separate folders for similar apps. How do you organize the apps on your phone?