What Should You Do With Your Old Cell Phones?

What Should You Do With Your Old Cell Phones?

Do you have an accumulation of old cell phones in your home? Don’t let them lie around; there are many solutions for what you should do with them. A big part of our inventory at Wamatek is buy-now-pay-later phones that we purchase from our clients. Understand your options for what you can do with your old device. Keep the following suggestions in mind the next time you upgrade your cell phone.

Donate or Giveaway

The first option is to donate the phone to an organization or give it away to a friend in need. If you have several old cell phones because you’ve been stockpiling, consider this option because it could help someone in need who can’t afford a phone themselves. You can donate them to domestic violence shelters, military charities, Goodwill, etc.

Trade-In With Your Provider

When you receive the new upgrade for your cell phone every year, you most likely still owe a small amount on the old phone. Many cell phone providers give the advantage of trading in your old device to help foot the bill on the new phone. Talk with your provider next time you consider an upgrade to see if they have a program like that.

Sell Online or in Person

If you want to make some quick cash, you could sell the phone on social media or choose a company like Wamatek that will buy your old phones from you. We suggest selling to a trustworthy business or through a well-known platform online to prevent yourself from getting scammed by someone. Doing this ensures you get the money for the phone.

Recycle at an Electronic Waste Station or Shop

Lastly, if your cell phone is so old that it’s no longer usable, you should bring it to an electronic waste station or shop so that you can recycle it. Phones over 10 years old most likely don’t work well anymore. If you don’t want them lying around, don’t throw them in the trash. You need to dispose of electronics properly, so bring them to a place that will take old electronics.

All these options are feasible and excellent resources to declutter that cell phone collection you’ve been building over the years. If you don’t plan on using them again, you might as well let others get some use out of your old devices. Next time you purchase a new cell phone, consider what to do with your old one.